TARU-UK "scrap kingdom party"
Scrap Kingdom Party (SKP) is a recycling carnival project delivered in a series of dance, music and crafts workshops. We work with children of all ages to rise their environmental awareness and develop their concept of carnival as an artistic activity that serves the whole community.
SKP is an innovative and creative way to rise awareness of environmental issues. participants use junk and household waste to create costumes, floats, puppets and musical instruments. learn about the 3Rs: reduce, reuse and recycle and are guided on how collect, sort and prepare the materials for the workshops that will lead to a colorful, energetic and exciting carnival parade.
TARU Org team
Local e Data
UK 2002 - until the present moment
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napkin rino'sketch :)

Logo design and application

T-shirt design

SKP fun plastic coverbook

Fun & junk project